So yay! Upgrades! Redesign! Summer!
And that will be enough of that. It's been a whole month since I posted anything. Things at The Clever Chef have been slow as well. I keep forgetting that I have things I want to write, and instead go to the beach. Not that the beach is a bad place - far from it. In fact, we had so much fun at the beach this last weekend, with our castle and sangria and clam chowder that we're going again this weekend.
I've been commuting by bike now for over a month, and now when I ride the MAX, it seems sluggish and loud. My bike has been treating me well, and I've taken at least 1 long ride a week, usually on Thursday, when I don't need to run errands on the way home. I found a fantastic route home that gives me a good 1/2 hour workout (uphill nearly the entire way), and I'm getting better at not being lazy when climbing hills. I'm proud of myself for not succumbing to laziness when the fancy strikes me and loading the bike onto the train or the bus - in fact, I've only traveled with my bike via train and bus once each, and both times only when I was traveling with the boyfriend, who was sans bike. The next goal I'm working towards is getting him on his bike (which needs to be fixed), and prodding him to join the fantastic rides I've been enjoying by myself.
Tomorrow will be my first anniversary of my move to Portland. I can say with full certainty that I'm incredibly satisfied with my move here. I've only been back to Idaho 3 times since I moved - once to get my car in late August, once to move the boyfriend here in October, and then we passed through on the way to Montana (but that barely counts, as we only stopped for coffee in Lewiston). The only thing(s) I miss about Idaho are my friends and my mom. There's no place I'd rather be living (within reality, that is, because I'll take that cabin atop a hill overlooking the ocean any day) than here.
So now I'm just waiting for my iPhone to get here (Friday, hopefully). Maybe I'll get into writing from my mobile.