After all the hype and excitement and the waiting for the good 1.1GB download (yes, no teevee here) to watch on the 31", 35 minutes into BSG and I fell asleep. I am actually known to do this, so neither I nor the boyfriend were surprised, but boy is that disappointing. I'll have to watch the ending tomorrow after beers at Tugboat, because, man, I can't wait to find out what happens!
I think I'm going back to the old story-type info for the blog. I think I once expressed the want to commit memories to some sort of medium that would last beyond my brain - the internet is one of those mediums! Thus...
When I was returning back to the states from Italy a couple of summers ago from an incredibly horribly horrible trip (just thinking about it makes me tense), I was in the Rome airport waiting for the flight to board when the need to pee graced me with its presence. Finding a restroom, I walked into a long empty room lined with identical doors. Walking down the middle, I noticed that most of the toilet seats were up... thinking that (as I had just seen the cleaning crew) the toilets had just been cleaned, I went into a stall and did my business. Stepping out of the stall and walking towards the sinks to wash my hands, I noticed a man standing at the sinks already, washing his hands and eying me suspiciously via the mirror. I gave him a strange glance, but I calmly washed my hands and, seeing another male quit a stall behind me, walked calmly out of the room. Pausing at the entrance to the room, I looked up at the internationally recognized "man" symbol and then over to the door opposite, where the international skirted-man symbol was held. I found my seat again and sat perplexed for the next 20 minutes until the boarding started on the plane. I guess walking into and using a men's restroom really wasn't that big of a deal after what I had dealt with earlier in the trip. Which will, of course, be other stories.