There is a certain segment of the population to whom the subtleties of irony may be lost. For the record, there is a difference between irony and sarcasm. There is a difference between irony and humor. But mostly, there is a difference between irony and suck.
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I'm with Styro on this one. For some reason I never checked out the comments on that post and DAMN! I'm so sorry I didn't look sooner. THAT WAS HILARIOUS!!!
I've got to say that my favorite part was that we (all Idahoans) were called Republicans. I can't say I've ever been called that before! I can't wait to tell Dan that one. He's going to fall right out of his chair!!
Gun-Totin'-maybe, Republican-never. Your friend,
Posted by: Ladyface at March 17, 2006 10:05 AM
Seems like a lot of people missed this - the comments didn't start really until about a week and a half after I posted the original blog, so that may be why.
I am certainly not a republican (though, for the record, I am also not a democrat), but we do have guns in the house. I would never waste my money on such an item, but my husband sure does.
Posted by: Devlyn at March 17, 2006 7:05 PM
Any press is good press! (a tough lesson when you want to be appreciated for your artistic integrity).
Posted by: matthew at March 20, 2006 7:32 PM
Just googled Paul Plagens and your site comes up number four now.
I laugh about this post, considering the bar conversation about such an endevour. Well done, ladies. Applauding...
Posted by: laura at March 20, 2006 8:02 PM

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ahahaha dude i just read that post about the crazy musician who wigged out all over your comments, THUS PROPELLING HIMSELF TO #1 GOOGLE SPOT via hitcounts. What a 'tard! SO HILARIOUS. ha ha ha ha ha! Seriously, I'm dying laughing. AWESOME. Had to comment. xoxox.
Posted by: styro at March 16, 2006 1:09 PM