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Small update:
September 16, 2005

Thank you to Mimi Smartypants for simultaneously taking me back to my childhood and making me lose my appetite (which I totally had before going out to this site). You have been warned - it's like a train wreck (though a tad bit less traumatizing) - I can't not (props to the double-negative power) look! There is so much more I could say about this (like, is it just me, or does the "Chili & Cheese Nachos" lunch look like Doritos with some watery cheese sauce, and why is some cheap buttered white bread with a half-cup of tomato sauce called "Italian Dunkers" considered a healthy meal?), but I obviously won't. You can have your own experience out there, I'm sure.


Unrelated to the above comments (which did both take me back and gross me out, thanks), thanks for posting the link to your flickr album! My page watching service promptly informed me of the new link and I went and commented my little heart out on a few of the images. I really can't wait to see the professional photos!! When are you supposed to get them?

Posted by: LeeAnn at September 20, 2005 11:37 AM

Hee!! I'll go look at the comments in some time... the pro photos should be gleaned this weekend. I'm really looking forward to seeing them.

Posted by: Devlyn Author Profile Page at September 22, 2005 11:14 AM