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September 15, 2005

So, I am calling myself a sheep right up front. Not only did I join Weight Watcher's online just a couple of days ago, but I'm also thinking about actually uploading some photos to my Flickr account (which was previously just used to get into my friends' photo pages). Baaaa.

My current theory is that the change in weather is attributing to my distinct sleepiness, sluggishness, and totall slothfulness. Altogether, these 'nesses are bringing me down - down to the point of falling asleep at 9pm, rising at 6am (though totally not wanting to), and yawning all day. I'll bet that someone who is less sleepy than I has already proven my theory, but I'm just too lazy to look it up. Sorry, google.

Now that I'm married, I'm getting a lot of questions about the future of me with children, namely popping out a few puppies of my own. While I do want children (yes, plural), let it be known that I don't want them now or any time soonish. I'm going to give it a few years - until people cool their heels. I have found myself hanging about more children than I ever have done before (except on teenage babysitting stints, which were never fun), which is making the ol' uterus twinge a bit. However, it's not twinging enough to make me drop the friendly bc pills I have been habitually popping day after day for many years. To be short, don't ask. When I get preggers, I'll let you know.

I finally took my dress to the dry cleaners to have it cleaned, pressed, and folded neatly into a box. I was looking at the hems of the many layers and was disgusted by how filthy it was. No wonder it took me days to get my feet clean after that fiasco.

In other news, is anyone in the market for birdseed tosses and/or double-heart cookie-cutter favors? I'll let them go at a v. v. cheap price. Perfect for a smaller wedding! The colors include white, purple, darker purple, green, grass-green, and brown. This deal is going fast! $25 + shipping - first come, first served. I also have 6 boxes of shortbread cookies that never made it onto the tables. Oh, and freeze-dried rose petals in a lovely purple. Anyone? Bueller?

I apologize for the jibberish quality (or crappiness, basically) of this post. Don't bother commenting, it'll only make things worse. I'm sure things will look up soon - as soon as the 'Thank You' cards are completed and I don't have anything left to do but go to the gym. That will be a great day indeed.

PS. Thank you Josh for posting this photo on your blog. It's way awesome.


i still haven't bought my thank you cards yet...

Posted by: j-a at September 15, 2005 8:52 PM

I found a ton on sale at Borders for $1.25 for a pack of 10, so I have plenty now. They're pretty nice, too. ^_^

Posted by: Devlyn Author Profile Page at September 16, 2005 10:39 AM

Hey, welcome back!!

Glad you had a good time away....

Posted by: teahouseblossom at September 22, 2005 8:25 PM