Ah jeezus, I’m counting again, aren’t I? We’ve finally reached the one month mark, but I am disappointed by the lack nerves on my part. I thought that at this point, I would be rushing around freaking out about stuff and being a generally horrible person to everyone around me, but I’m not. I’m not a highly organized person, but with this wedding stuff, just getting things done has been a pretty easy task to fulfill. There are only a few more things I really have to worry about, and the M.o.H. has my back. Amy and I had a wonderful meeting last night, after which she had a surprise of her own, which was really really awesome, and maybe took the edge off of her totally tough week (to say the least).
Almost everyday when I get home from work, I am plain exhausted. I lie on my bed (as the bedroom is the coolest place in the house) and read until I’m cool enough to fall asleep. I doze for 2 hours, wake up in a pool of sweat and drool, and wander aimlessly around the house, feeling off-kilter and hot, trying to figure out what time and day it is. Usually by 10, the air outside has cooled off a bit, I turn all of the fans on high, and I climb back into bed around 11. I can’t fall asleep until well after midnight, and wake up for work the next morning to start the process all over again. Such an existence is, indeed, not very gratifying.
Creating Section Titles, A La Mimi Smartypants
In 27 days, I will turn 26. I’ve been in my early-to-mid 20s for quite a while – I’m not sure how I feel about being in my mid-to-late 20s already. Like a lot of other people in my generation, I feel kind of at a loss about what to do with my life. I’m getting married in a month, don’t plan on having kids too soon, and don’t consider my current job a career. I like what I do a lot, but I can’t see myself doing it for the rest of my life. I don’t know exactly what I want to do for the 70+ years I have left. I suppose it’s not really all that important right now. Things will happen as they happen…
MISC. Thought:
Has anyone else noticed that it’s just too tiresome to be worried all the time? I don’t know how some people do it.
Nothing to do with anything else:
Ben and I took an impromptu drive to Lucky Peak last night to take pictures of the moon. Ben has a swell zoom lens that’s able to capture a lot of detail, but with something that far away, there was too much “atmosphere†(haze) between us and it to get a really crisp photo. We’ll have to go up to Bogus or something to get the best view. We spoke with a woman that was out there with her kids, toting a telescope. We asked if we could take a look, but it was broken. Being somewhat familiar with telescopes, I took a look at it, and realized that one of the mirrors was loose and obviously not set up correctly. After the kids and mom took off, we smoked a couple of cigarettes, ate some jerky, and drank water, all while staring at the blinding whiteness of the moon.
And suddenly this has turned into the most boring blog in the world, natch.
What is this really great news that Amy has? Somebody tell me because I'm going to die in the next five minutes if I don't find out!!!
Posted by: fern at July 21, 2005 2:38 PM