I’m having a mini-freakout right now. It’s yet to become external, but my heart is pounding rapidly in my chest, and I’m feeling more than a bit woozy.
The wedding is totally stressing me out at this point. Even though at home, we’re having fun planning the trip to Scotland afterwards, it seems like around every corner, another guest is inviting him or herself and his or her dog (neice, grandchildren, neighbor). This is, of course, all on the B’s side of the line – I don’t think they are realizing that we’re (read: me) are paying for most of this ourselves (read: not the B's mom, not my mom). I’m having to be more frugal than I ever have been before so I can make sure I can actually pay for all of these things. Suddenly the whole east-coast brood of the B’s family is coming. These are the offspring of his great-uncle. I’m thinking that his extended family is far more close than mine, because, as I wouldn’t mind seeing my great-aunt Nore or great-aunt Helen, they’re not coming to my wedding (as far as I know), and neither are their children.
This is so totally going to turn me into a bridezilla – Amy, have pity on me – you get to jet off to France for a few weeks, and I have to stay here and deal with this. The wedding was originally planned for 30-50 people, and now it’s ending up to be more than 100. Thank G-d my mother is paying for the reception – with just my expenses, I have to come up with 5k in the next 5 months. And hopefully more money than that. I’m cutting corners where I can, but for every corner I cut, another guest comes up and rebuilds it. I’m taking on extra work for more money, but it never seems like it’s going to be enough.
Even with half of this stuff already paid for, I’m this close to just going downtown and getting the civil ceremony over with and eloping.
How come B isn't helping to pay for some of this? Don't be stuck doing this alone its his wedding too!
Posted by: auntie su at April 13, 2005 3:54 AM