I was going to just write a comment back to a comment about “stove-porn,” but I realized that the explanation I have for the “stove-porn” is in fact, rather long and would be best put to use in an actual entry. Here we go.
I have a strong affinity for kitchen appliances. Since I love cooking, I tend to spend most of my time in the kitchen of my house, which is, at this point, the best kitchen I’ve personally ever had in a house for which I pay rent. However, the draw of owning a home and being able to rip out whatever lameass larry decided to put into the kitchen and design a kitchen myself and be able to use that kitchen, etc. is like a wet dream. Since I own most of the small appliances I would ever need (Cuisinart, rice cooker, blenders, etc.), less a few (Kitchen Aid mixer, mandolin, slow cooker, griddle), I tend to get my rocks off looking at larger appliances, including double-wide refrigerators with bottom-freezers, stacked in-wall ovens, and of course, stoves.
Personally, if someone gave me a Viking 8-burner range in brushed metal, I would probably fall over backwards and swallow my tongue. Then I would make sweet sweet love to it. However, I also like older stoves from the '40s and '50s that really made the best use of space and were all rounded-corner and cute. When Ms. Caitlin of Styrofoam Kitty purchased and installed her O’Keefe & Merritt stove, I was so very happy for her, I almost cried. Seriously. So, whenever I get tired of drooling over Viking stoves, (which I will not be able to afford until I’m 80) I go look at Caitlin’s stove and think good dirty thoughts about having a stove like hers.
Thus, stove-porn.
I will now leave the building.
i have never heard of stove porn but it seems like you are a case.
by the way, why is it that i can't see your blog in firefox but i can with IE?
Posted by: j-a at December 16, 2004 10:54 PM