So, last weekend when I was g33king around with some other stuff in my MT, I accidentally overwrote both my css table and my main index for this site, which was totally not cool. Unable to recover the lost information completely, I was able to find some older templates saved at home (where I should have saved backups of all of my templates), and had to redo the whole thing. Some stuff still isn’t working properly, which I’m thinking will be fixed this weekend, so please ignore the current ickyness.
In other news, I fell in love with an apartment that’s being vacated at the end of November. It’s less than a mile from our current place of residence, and it just happens to be in the same building where my friend Gabby lives. At twice the size of our current apartment, and only $100 more a month, it’s a total steal. The place is gorgeous, with all-hardwood floors, built-in bookshelves, and a massive kitchen. As soon as the current occupant tells her landlord that she’s moving, I’ll be putting in the deposit. Will post pictures soon.
So, with the above move looming, I’ve been going through my things, trying to figure out just what to pack and what to get rid of. I’ve always had the tendency to be a packrat, and the fact that the B is a collector doesn’t improve the situation. I’m taking a big step in deciding that most everything I haven’t touched in 6 months or more is something that I don’t need, and it’s either going to get thrown away or donated to a local charity. I started the baby steps last night when packing up our massive amount of books – there were plenty of books in there that just weren’t in v. good shape, as well as those that I’ve had around since high school, but I haven’t wanted to re-read. Those are now gone. However, it was only about .5% of our current shelfspace. I promised myself I would be more discriminatory in future. We'll see how that works out...
Yay! You're back, even if a bit buggy. I can't wait to come to dinner parties at your new place as I am frequently too lazy to cook. Smooch!
Posted by: ms.chan at October 15, 2004 4:08 PM