At 25, I am still getting zits. As a teenager, I didn’t have bad skin, but I wasn’t little-miss-porcelain, either. I had had some of what I would call “normal” acne, but nothing that made me want to stay home for fear of putting out eyes. Now, as an adult, I still get breakouts every once in a while, and it Bugs. The. Hell. Out. Of. Me. This is ridiculous; zits aren’t a big deal, but I hate having them on my face – even little bitty ones. Does one ever stop getting zits?
Ms. Lazy-Pants:
Instead of loading pictures onto my computer from Oz, trimming them down to comfortable sizes, and posting them here, I played Sims 2 all weekend. The pics will be up soon, just when, I cannot say.
At the bar on Saturday night, Amychan was talking crap about crap. From what I recall, it was all rather funny. I wish I could remember what she said. Gee, that makes me sound like a drunk. I’m not, really. The music was loud, and there was lots of stuff going on. Shaddup.
Though I just got back from a holiday abroad, I am feeling rather jealous of my friends Sara, Corey, and Zach, as they are all in the UK right now, just on a little romp before starting their respective jobs in France. Am I wrong to be jealous?
Today is Monday, which means that work will go quickly, so I can get back home to play Sims 2 more. Erm, and go to the gym.
zits - it is actually quite common for women to have zits until their twenties. some women have them into their thirties.
i think the only real remedy is time - waiting for the hormones to settle down a bit...if you really want to know why you have zits, it is quite easy to see a doctor to check that your hormone levels are normal (or at least getting there).
i was the classic nerdy pimply teenager in my youth...but nowadays i know why have breakouts - usually it is a combination of stress, hormones and bad nutrition.
Posted by: j-a at September 21, 2004 8:41 AM