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Battle of the Bands
April 23, 2004

The Current ChampionIn the left corner, we have the Current Champion, Green Day. Becoming my favorite band when I was a wee 13 years old, in the days of better music, 1992, Green Day became a group idol of many a youngster in the early to mid-?90s. Selling more than 10 million copies, their breakthrough album Dookie, the first released on a major label, was far less interesting than my personal favorite, Kerplunk!. Sticking by them (and them sticking by me) through the years was tough, but every time I went back to my roots, they were there; every time I turned to them, comfortable feelings of familiarity soothed my troubled senses and helped me through my day.

In recent years, Green Day has fallen to the wayside, but still stayed at the top of the list of preferred music, really in lieu of anything better. Their music brings me back to my youth, but nothing really recently has touched me more than those days of angst. The ChallengerI have obviously changed a lot over the past 12 years, and my angst is far less pronounced, or at least is pushed in another direction. I love Green Day, and I always will, but there's trouble ahead:

In the right corner, The Challenger, The Postal Service, has taken my heart and made it flip-flop. They're the first band I?ve heard in a v. v. long time to produce a truly original and completely perfect album. Their music is light, but happy; mellow and upbeat. I feel myself more drawn to them each time I listen to another one of their songs. I never have to reach to hit the 'next' button to skip over the tunes I don't like.

This internal struggle is threatening my very existence and reality. After being with one band for so long, I feel as if I may fall apart if the challenger wins the time trials and goes on to become the New Favorite Band. I can't ignore the needs of my brain and ears. I am really afraid, though, that they may never come out with another full-length album. I don't think I can go on just these few songs for v. long, and if after a year, nothing new has become of it, and they fade from my eyes? What will I be left with then? Can I just sit back and watch this happen?


Hey, those guys on the right are kind of cute. Or is it the same guy twice? Anyway, I'll have to check out the album.

Posted by: teahouseblossom at April 24, 2004 8:56 AM

it's 2 different guys... and yeah, they're hott in more ways than one.

Posted by: Devlyn at April 24, 2004 2:51 PM