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hey ho
October 21, 2003

so of course i'm just sitting here, doing nothing but making chocolate-chip cookies and eating them (wouldn't the personal trainer love to know about that?). but after 5, i've started to get a bit sick of them... after all, they're mostly for the boy, and i'll force him to take them all to work tomorrow so i can't have anymore.
i haven't been working on the galleries at all like i would like to do, but am just too lazy. instead, i watched Adaptation, on a recently bought DVD. those of you who have actually looked through the galleries may remember seeing a caption saying something like, "The Majestic Theatre - we saw Adaptation here!" indeed, the first time i saw Adaptation was in an old theatre in downtown Madison, WI, with my good friend leeann.... oops... last batch of cookies are a bit overdone, as i was typing instead of watching the oven. best time for me to go then... i highly recommend Adaptation, as it is a v. good film, though not for those who might be squeamish (though there are only 2 parts at which i feel the need to either close or cover my eyes - the first time, i wasn't so lucky as to be in the know about the aforementioned scenes - eek!). love!


Orpheum, not Majestic :) There is a Majestic Theatre in town...that's the place we walked by near the Great Dane that had the loud *thump-thump-tha-thump* music and the gay guys hugging/groping outside. I've heard it's okay, but I'm just not big into the house scene, so I haven't checked it out.

Posted by: LeeAnn at October 24, 2003 12:27 PM

Oh and yeah! The movie was great, if a little disturbing...it took a serious turn from strange to bizarre at the very end there...

Posted by: LeeAnn at October 24, 2003 12:28 PM