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September 27, 2003

so i fixed up the savannah gallery, so that it's easier to navigate, and i have a feeling that i'll end up just working on the other galleries tonight to get them to the point where i like them again. whew! or something like that.
rosh hashanah dinner was damned good. i made a lovely round challah with raisins and cinnamon and sugar on the top. kind of like a huge cinnamon roll, only without the gooey sugar and all that. i also made pomegranite chicken, which was really yummy, though a bit dry because i totally overcooked it in the american fashion, rice pilaf (lovely! for recipe, see the conversations blog), and steamed carrots. on the side, we had fresh cut apples and honey. i rubbed the cut sides of the apples with a lemon so they wouldn't get all brown. for dessert, we had (and are still having) sunken apple-honey tart. the pomegranite chicken and tart came from Kosher By Design, which i have made many recipes out of that all turned out just darned yummy. The rice pilaf recipe came from 1,000 Jewish Recipes, which indeed does have 1000 recipes, but no pictures. however, it is also a really awesome book. i recommend both of them highly.