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And done
June 27, 2003

I finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix yesterday afternoon and almost immediately regretted reading it that quickly. to tell you the truth, i didn't like it as much as i liked The Goblet of Fire. i'm really not sure why that is, i just didn't. i mean, i stll loved the book. it was awesome. the person who dies really didn't surprise me at all. i figured it was either that person or one other person, and i was correct. i still cried. but not much, because i was at work. but that was okay. and i can't wait for the next book to come out, which means i'm just going to have to be really really patient, because no one knows how long it's going to take to get that one. so blah.

i'm thinking that i'm going to purchase the entire set of the english version in hardback. i would really enjoy that. especially since i only have 2 of the american versions, anyhow. the rest i borrowed to read. and i would like to have the words spelled correctly. =-P

that's all for now. *poof*

Review -
June 24, 2003

I finished the book in about an hour and a half with distractions and mainly work getting in the way of my progress. For one, I would like to say that I am extremely happy with my purchase of this book. And though the price was on the high-end (about $17.95 with shipping for a 112-page book), I don't regret it at all.

As most anyone would know, after reading the WWdN, this book is actually 5 short stories that didn't quite fit with the flow of wil's much looked-after release of Just A Geek. Being a Star Trek fan, my favorite story in the book was The Saga of SpongeBob VegasPants, which also happened to be the longest short story, coming in at 74 pages. Wil's writing style is fresh and deeply felt, which a lot of authors of late are missing. Since all of the stories are auto-biographical, we get to see a glimpse of what it was like actually being the actor behind the ill-fated Wesley Crusher: how it hurt to be snubbed by a boyhood hero, and what fun the other actors on the TNG set were.
For me, being a fan/stalker/wanter of wil for so long and finally getting to read this book is like being able to bring home a good friend. I am eager to read wil's blog every day, and even more eager for Just A Geek to come out. Dancing Barefoot is not only witty and insightful, it brought tears to my eyes, and made me laugh out loud. All at work. I highly suggest this book for anyone who would like a quick, good read, including those people who hated the character Wesley Crusher. Especially those who hate Wesley Crusher. It is available through Monolith Press and at Amazon.com.

and that is the end of my properly capped review. as i am picking up harry potter tonight, expect a review of that in about a week. >^_^<

and finally...

yay! i finally finally finally got it! wil's book came in the mail yesterday. i haven't read a bit yet, but i brought it to work with me today just so i could. well, i take that back... i did read the first page, but then i had to leave for work. i can't wait to actually get into it... i'm hoping/thinking that it won't take me long to read... it's actually quite smaller than i expected, and the font is a pretty large-easy-to-read-with-your-grandma type print. so we'll see how that goes. once i'm done with it, i'll review it... not sure if i'll be able to say anything different than anyone else has, but i guess i can just say it in my own words.
very happy.
oh, and i'm getting my harry potter today, too! what fun! i'll have 2 good books to read after my little haitus in the literary world.

June 23, 2003

ah, and i'm finally back from the weekend mini-break. sure, there were a few downers this weekend, but i'm afraid the good points pretty much outdo the bad. the only negative that i am keeping seperate from the rest is the release of the new harry potter book. as i was out of town at the time of the release, i was hoping to get the book last night when i got home. silly me didn't have a store hold the book or anything, so when i called around to get prices, the only thing i got was the same at every store: "we're sold out", "every book is spoken for", and "did you reserve a copy?" so i am stuck without potter, which makes me rather sad. i am, however, getting a copy tomorrow at fred meyer, where the illustrious corey will be holding a copy for me. hurrah for that!
i am still waiting for the wheaton book to arrive. i was hoping that it would be here before i went on holiday, so i would have something to read, but alas, it did not show. now it may have to wait until after the potter book is finished. sorry, wil. thank goodness i had plenty to do up there in the meantime.
other than that, it was cold up at redfish. really cold. it snowed saturday night and sunday morning. when i woke up, it was like a winter wonderland. it started to melt as soon as the sun came up, of course, but i did get a couple of pictures of it. hopefully, i'll be able to post a few tonight when i get home. yay! and that, they say, is that.

June 19, 2003

6pm. One hour and counting. Until. I. Get. Out. Of. Work.
i'm excited, can you tell?
it's a real mini-break, and i intend to make the most out of it, especially since it's virtually all-expenses paid.
This also means that there won't be another update likely until monday, when i plan on putting up some extremely lovely pictures of the sawtooth mountains and surrounding lakes and foliage. i can't wait to get up into the mountains.
see you guys next week! shabbat shalom!

June 18, 2003

is just one day closer to the main event. ooh, so exciting.
am rather hungry, and lunch is still a half-hour away. pooh.
am getting sleepy and sluggish for lack of blood sugar.
am having a rather wonderful time keeping up with the bridgeture with zach in the zachblog, or tete-a-tete. keeps it lively.
i didn't receive wil's book yesterday. am hoping i receive it before i leave on friday, so i have something to read as i relax(!) in the mountains. am rather disappointed that i will be missing the big release of harry potter and the order of the phoenix. i am a big proponent of harry potter, and cannot wait to see who gets knocked off in the new book. i will purchase it on sunday or monday. hopefully after i finish dancing barefoot. you hear me, wil?

Comments (2)

June 17, 2003

means that i only have 2 more days of work this week! on friday, ben and i are headed up to redfish lake for some good family fun. while we're up there, we're planning on taking a couple of scenic bike trails and whatnot. should be fun. i'm rather looking forward to it.
still waiting for Wil's book to get here... seems like it's taking forever. and supposedly, he was supposed to announce something spectacular on his site yesterday, but the only thing he posted was about fark. pffft.
still having fun wasting time on cockeyed.com, who has some of the most insane ebay auctions i've ever seen, and x-entertainment which, contrary to the name, is safe for work. >^_^<

the wind blowing through my hair...
June 16, 2003

so ben and i got our bikes fixed on saturday for an insane amount of money. i admit, i had a lot of things wrong with my bike... i ended up paying about $150 to get my bike fixed with a new seat, pump, chain, new rear axle, etc. etc... and for another $35, i got a kickass helmet with flowers on it! kawaii!
we decided to go on a ride, and ben keeps saying that he wants to go fill up his tires with air, and i keep telling him that they're fine. after we visited his grandmother (about 5 miles away), we go to chevron to fill up his tires, and he blows up his back tire. ick! there was a bike shop about 3/4th a mile up state street, so we walk (v. quickly) up there, and they're already closed. double ick! so i ended up biking back home, getting the car, and coming back for him. we got the bike fixed yesterday (we just left the bike locked in front of the bike shop), and they told us that the tube was totally blown, and had blown a hole through the actual tire. pffft. that's what he gets for not listening to me. ugh.
altogether, on saturday, i biked about 10.5 miles (the way to grandma's we took hill road, and the way back i took state st.), and we went for another ride yesterday that was only about 5 mi. round trip. it's definitely fun though... i missed riding my bike. but i did realise that, for the past two years at BM, my bike has been icky shitty, and it was because of a totally bent rear axle. imagine that! we did have a wonderful weekend. la!

June 10, 2003

i am far too tired these days. the entire time i'm at work, i am tired. i am tired driving home, and tired once i get there. it seems that the only time i'm not tired is on saturday after sleeping a good 10 hours. or if i stuff myself full of hydroxycut. well, "stuff" and "full" being relative, and really only meaning 2 pills every-other day. maybe.
anyhow, that is my main excuse for everything these days. i wish i could find some way of being awake and alert all of the time without having to be jittery from ephedra or caffeine. perhaps i should start taking some ginko again. but those type of drugs seem to wear off a bit too quickly. instead i should think about just going to bed earlier.
any sentence can feel like an end sentence as long as you put a happy face at the end. ^_^